Easy salmon recipes are a snap with this wonderfully versatile organic fish.

easy salmon recipes, great salmon recipes

Above left, 8 oz. salmon skin side up. Above right, 4oz. salmon, flesh side up. Easy salmon recipes start with great fish.

easy salmon recipes, great salmon recipes

Above, 8 oz. salmon grilled rare.

easy salmon recipes, great salmon recipes

Above, shashimi platter.

Salmon recipes begin with mouthwatering grilled fillets made even more enticing with a homemade mango salsa.

A seafood lover's favorite, Atlantic Salmon fillets marinated to perfection in an unseasoned blend of canola oil allows the delicious flavor to come through!

Sun set color fillets are pleasing to the eye and delicate to the taste. Preparations that show off the color and accentuate the unique flavor work best. Poaching, broiling or baking are all perfect cooking methods for this fish. The flesh is sturdy enough for the barbecue and tasty enough to stand up under almost any sauce.

That flavor is evident in its worldwide popularity. Try some of this wonderful delicacy and see if you don't agree.

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